
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to write a good blog

  How to write a good blog, you want to start with an introduction. You want to hook people in.  1. Try to hook people with introductions.  2.  You always need to start with an title. The title needs to tell the reader what they are going to be talking about. 3. You need to make sure your writing is friendly because when you post it on your blog it is exposed to the whole world. 4. Make sure that when you write your introduction it is interesting so the readers wanna keep reading. 5.  When you are writing a blog you need to make sure that you are not saying any personal stuff because it is exposed to the whole world.   

I am poem


My production goal 2021

Production goals  This week we have had to make a goal for when we do the production and my goal was to particpate in the prodution, I picked the goal because sometimes I can get a bit shy in front of audience.  Here is my star that we had to do: